Things I love:
UNICORNS!!! | BIRDS | to make people SMILE | the word “Gorgeous” | gemstones & crystals | giving “HUGZ ” | to help people when its NOT expected | getting “real HUGZ” | Travel | Spring time | hearing laughter | doing random acts of kindness, then witnessing the reaction when they don’t know who did it | knowing I’ve made a difference for someone, even if its small .
Food & Drink:
– Steak = 180 day old from Lomo Alto (Barcelona Spain)
– Restaurant = Dewz (Modesto california)
– Wine = Bionic Frog (Cayuse Vineyard)
– Coffee = Iced White americano w/Honey and nut juice
– Mexican food = Al Pastor tacos from “Sonorita Olas Atlas” in Puerto Vallarta
– Creature = Octopus
– Bird = Corvid, macaw
– Mammal = orangutan, giraffe, horse
– Flower = Salmon Star Lily, followed by stargazer lily
– Color = Orange
– Song = “it’s always changing” – see my playlist
– Movie = Ever After
– Feeling = appreciated/loved